Toddler Program
18 months to 3 years old
Monday-Friday, Half and Full Day options
Some refer to this developmental period as “The Terrible Twos.” We disagree; toddlers are terrific! We love everything about them — their energy, determination and curiosity — and purposefully created a very special place for your toddler to learn.
The Journey to Independence
The Toddler program at Casa Montessori School is your child’s first step to cultivating independence and a love for learning. In our program, your child will use materials that will develop coordination, concentration, and independence. Activities range from fine and gross motor materials, baskets with language materials, art & musical expression, and exercises that allow the child to care for himself and for the classroom community.
Children in the Toddler program at Casa are nurtured and supported as they make the transition from their home life to a daily school routine. The consistent and simple daily schedule provides comfort and security as your child quickly learns the order of her day, and she is included in the care and keeping of the community.
A Joyful Experience
Maria Montessori once said, “One test of the correctness of the educational procedure is the happiness of the child.” Take a peek into our Toddler classroom and you will see children who are happy, engaged and deeply connected to their friends and teachers. As a result, your child develops a deep affinity for school and a true love for learning.
The Toddler program is a five day program. The children enjoy a two hour work period, a snack served family style, outdoor play, and is supported in their toilet awareness through the use of cloth underwear.
Ready to Move Up
Sometime between the ages of 2 ½ to 3 years of age, your child’s language skills and self-expression will develop rapidly; he will express a growing confidence in independence and a keen interest in broader concepts; your child will be potty trained. At this point, your child is ready to move up to the Primary Program for children ages 3 to 6.